Posts Tagged ‘Calvin Klein’

Calvin Klein created one of the hottest Social Media trends last week with their designer QR Code billboard in NYC.  The ad has its critics and its fans, but from a neutral stand point, we have to applaud the brand for recognising the power of QR Codes in outdoor advertising.

Whatever Calvin Klein does in advertising is guaranteed to be bold and sometimes a bit too close to the mark, but that’s their brand.  Their latest “Get it Uncensored” campaign was spearheaded by two massive billboard posters in the heart of NYC, which featured a QR Code, which resolved to a racy video, akin to the brand and it’s hot, sexy advertising.

The ad campaign has certainly created a lot of Social Media interest, with literally hundreds of blogs featuring the news within hours of the campaign breaking – just what the marketers at Calvin Klein wanted we’re sure…

One thing for sure, it’s done a massive PR job for the world of QR Codes, which those of us involved in the QR Revolution have to be grateful for.

The news was so hot, that QRAnywhere’s Nck Ford, even managed to grab his video camera and shoot the ad in real life – thanks @Tappinn

We love to see big brands working with these amazing barcodes, as it all helps raise consumer awareness of the technology.  It’s also great to see brands like Calvin Klein using designer codes, which are visually appealing as well as intriguing to the man in the street.

[tweetmeme source= “QRazystuff” only_single=false]